Thursday, June 9, 2011


Two (2)

Duality. Alteration; diversity; conflict; dependence. Two is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. Represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. As One represents a point, two represents a length. The Binary is the first number to recede from Unity, it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and denotes the transitory and the corruptible.Two represents two-fold strength--that is symbolized by two of anything, usually in history, by animals in pairs.

Cultural References

In Alchemy, two are the opposites, sun and moon. King and Queen. Sulpher and quicksilver, at first antagonistic but finally resolved and united in the androgyne.

Buddhist: see two as the duality of samsara; male and female. Two is theory and practice; wisdom and method. It is blind and the lame united to see the way and to walk it.

Chinese, two is Yin , feminine; terrestrial; inauspicious.

Christian: Christ with two natures as God and human.

Hebrew: Two is The life-force. In Qabalism wisdom and self-consciousness.

Hindu: Two is duality, the shakta-shakti.

Islamic: Two Spirit.

Platonic: Plato says two is a digit without meaning as it implies relationship, which introduces the third factor.

Pythagorean: Two is The Duad, the divided terrestrial being.

Taoist says two is representative of The K'ua, the Two. Determinants, the yin-yang. Two is a weak yin number as it as no center.

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